Exam Time

it's exam time this week and I'm semi panicking as studying isn't my best trait
Next to that... I'm even more clueless about what to do with this apartment as I'm moving out after the exams.
I've been living in this house for about 2 years now with 3 (most of the time 2) guys.

Yes, I'm a girl but i live with guys, whom I've known since my foundation year at MMU, Cyberjaya (Multimedia University) which was about 4 years ago. Can't believe it's really been that long already.

A lot of people call me a weirdo, but I've grown used to it. May not be close to my course-mates, but they're nice people all the same. I have to admit, it's been enjoyable all of theses years here at MMU, doing Wushu performances, taking part in events and competitions (wushu, swimming,etc...), the never-ending assignments and the broken relationships amongst good friends.

It has taught me a lot, but I admit, I still have much to learn about society, if i were to survive in the outside world.

That's all for now,
For those having exams...
Jia Yo & Gambatte Kudasai !!!
Good luck and do your best!!!

Ja Ne


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