
Showing posts from May, 2006

Sadness, why sadness, this is not the really me T_T

Well... looks like my fears have come to past and now all I'm doing is crying every day and every night. What for and why, that's the problem. I've not been who I should be and do what i should do till i suffered the consequences. I know I've not been trustworthy and such for this sem. i've realised that I've grown distant of myself (my real self) and need to change once more as I'm not giving up. yeah, the same old babble as last time but i guess when this sem is over it's time for another big change. Others will be the judge of what i become and hopefully i don't have to elongate this funny problem over and over agian as by now, many are probably pissed with me for being such a monster. That's probably all I have to rant out this time for the bad stuff. For the good things, this holiday, I have a trip to Singapore to look forward to as well as long awaited scuba diving training which I've missed for at least 4 years. will get my lic