It's a new year, but a sad one.

It's a new year, but it doesn't feel very grand because of all the disaster going around nowadays.
All my prayers go to the victims and I hope that this tragedy will end soon. It's very sad as loved ones suffer and lose more than their homes.
May the ones whom passed on and those who suffer be protected.

Your Aeris
Your Aeris! You are a very caring and mysteries
girl. You always worry about your loved ones.
At first glance people might think that your a
happy girl with no worries but deep down inside
you are a confused individual. Believe in
yourself more, then you will conquer all.

Which Female Character from Final Fantasy Vii Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

  • My #1 result for the selector, Final Fantasy 7, is Aeris

  • Sora

    Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like?
    brought to you by Quizilla


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