Missing martial arts, job hunting again... Swimming... Singing

Well... I've certainly been distracted...too much it seems.

It's been almost a full semester since I have stopped going for classes and going to campus. Really missing it and the Wushu training and my 'brothers'.

Plus... the guy whom I thought was interested in me, is practically ignoring me :(
Though in a way, it's all well and good as he was not worth it either way. He was a player and too much of a clubber. It made me realize how much I still missed Kian and that I'm not that keen in looking for another just yet, even if lust tells me otherwise.

It seems luck of job hunting has not been with me since the year began, but I will keep trying, no matter what anyone says. As I understand how tough the entertainment world is and how tough the world in general is, and yet none believe me.

I do believe though that there are nice people where you least expect it.

Just yesterday, I was on my way up the Sg. Wang plaza carpark and hit the curb. The impact dislocated the left side of the bumper and blew my left tire. In my despair, after talking to a friend calling my dad and waiting for him to arrive. When i calmed down, I looked in the trunk to get the spare tire, only to find my jack missing.

Thinking it through i walked up to a stranger sitting in his lorry and asked to borrow his. He told me to wait for his boss which i did. The next thing i knew, instead of just lending me the jack, they changed my tire for me!!

How lucky was tht?!
They were so nice and I was cheered up. My dad arrived soon after. Only then did we send the car back to the workshop yet again :(

Either way...
I now only have 2 forms of exercise here at home now... which is the gym and the pool. Really missing the training sessions and being with my friends :(
What else am i to do? Plus there's to b a Wushu exam coming up :( unless i skip it this time, which won't be good.

What am i to do plus, my mum is being a big pain as usual as she's too 'BUSY' to do anything, being the only working one in the house. I understand i have to get a job too, but wht's the point if she keeps telling me not to take up the jobs which i could get because it would ruin her and dad's 'IMAGE'.

If that's the case i might as well continue 'Ads4Bucks' full time as it on its own is a job too.

I enjoy singing alot more now thnx to the classes and slowly getting in tune to the 'me' inside... but like all things... some events may cause it to 'hide' again. Getting closer to my aunts, uncles and cousins again, which is also good.

Helped my aunt babysit my 3 nieces at her house over the weekend, as she took care of my grandmother. It's so good to be around them, as they're all so supportive. I even dare say i love them more than I love my mother. It's not good religiously, i know, but she and my dad tend to do things which make me distance myself from them... especially my mother. I want to love her.. but i just can't.

No matter what she says, no matter her contacts or whether or not she bends over backwards to do things... she keeps bringing her work attitude home. She's stressed out, too 'BUSY' and ... to her ... money and work seems to be more important than family to her. Which i highly disagree on.


I have no idea what to do now as all my dreams are being shot down yet again.

Again... Negativity gets me down :(

Will somehow find my light and see where it'll lead me...

That's all for now,

Ja ne

What's Your 2010 Love Forecast?
Forget about what you thought your ''type'' was, because this year it's about to change. You'll find yourself attracted to someone you never would've given second glance a year ago. It may seem weird and foreign at first, but this is the best possible thing for you. You might not like it, but you're going to have to get out of your comfort zone in order to find the excitement you've been craving. As long as you refuse to fall back on old habits, you'll have more romance than you know what to do with.

Take the quiz!


Anonymous said…
Nice dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.
Hello Ja Ne, My name is mellow roc, and I was curious to see whose blog would appear if I chose next blog from mine. Yours did. I wish you well as you are evidently in transition and often those take time.. Your folks may be a little hard on you but they too are hopeful and concerned for your future. They want the best for you I think. I would if I were your parent. I have 2 kids who are 19 and 17, graduate in June and think the world is going to be quite a wake-up call for them compared to what they are experiencing today, I know 18 was tough for me. I'm a wiser guy and probably a few years older than you, but find a Proverb or something to keep you strong, and take each event and day as it comes. Meantime, hang in there co-blogger, say hi on mine please..
Luna Mairin said…
Hi Mellow, sorry my name is not Ja Ne.

It's Sea Enima. 'Ja ne ' is a term used in situations like 'gotta go, bye'. Just for your info.

Thanx for your advice, I really appreciate it :)

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