Busy Busy Busy, Happy, But why am I crying?

Well, it has been a long time since I posted anything here.
A very busy semester this has been and tiring at that.

With all the reports and proposals, the Wushu performances, HYJ Wushu Academy International Competition, Dinner & Gathering 2008, Comic Fiesta 2008 and not even time to spend time with my whole family properly without suddenly rushing off.

Also, a few nights ago, a nightmare lingering in my thoughts and has been haunting me for nearly a whole week. Though my mind has tried to soothe it, but for some odd reason my heart is not at peace. It is either a sign of paranoia of my current relationship with my boyfriend, a sign I should trust him more, my whole form is changing or a fact that I'm afraid of change.

Is this all part of growing up? Am I just thinking too much, being too manja or too clingy till I'm afraid of loosing Kian? Whoo boy, this is really getting complicated.

I'll really have to keep myself together if I want to survive after I graduate next year. Also, I'll need to figure out what I really want instead of just sitting here and crying all the time. Next to that, I may need to start praying more often as I haven't been doing so since before the month of Ramadan this year.

Gambatteh and Jia yo and thank you for all who stop by here.
Ja ne and Arigato Gozaimasu :)


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