Going to Japan on a Puasa Month !!!

At the end of this month (on the 26-29th if not mistaken. Will update later ;P), I'll be going to Japan with my mom for a few days.

My mom is going on a business trip to Tokyo and will be bringing me along as I'm the only one on holiday. Sadly, she won't be going on tours with me so I'll be going on the tours on my own :tears: :cries: in a foreign country ^^;.

I'm sure I'll have a good time and will make sure to take lots of photos as well as hopefullly get some souveniers for some friends.

Honestly , I'm a little frightened at the fact that I'll be going on tour alone, but I just hope that there will be a few Malaysians or atleast someone I could talk to, to hang around with. But all I know is, I hope to be fasting during the trip as from what my friend told me, it's hard to find food there ^^; (other than that it's quite awkward if i don't fast as there may be a few Malays fasting on tour).

I guess that's all for now and will update later if anything else comes up :) :aww:.

Razer: I'm sure you'll be fine *:hug: Enima*

Enima: I sure hope so :blushes: :) .

Sparda & Eva : Hope you have a good time :aww: .

Dante: And don't forget to buy us gifts :D.

Vergil: Yeah... or you'll be begging me for mercy :katana: :mwahaha: :plotting:.

Sephiroth, Loz, Yazoo & Kadaj : Take care over there and don't forget us either :wave: ;P.

Enima & Razer : Ok.... ^^; Will do.

Divine & Enima: we wish everybody ... Selamat Berpuasa dan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin :D :aww:


Before I forget, on the first week of the Puasa month I got careless and my phone was stolen by a friend. I only know him as Hafiz (have an old photo of him but must look for it). He's short now, thin (sort of), has an almost squeaky voice and I have known him since Primary school. The phone that was stolen was a Nokia 3220 and it was given to me by my grandmother.

Why I want to remember this, I have no clue, but who knows it may come in handy.

Anyway... that won't stop me from enjoying myself in Japan or ruin my Hari Raya with all of my family members ( i mean all 30 over cousins, 11 sets of aunties and uncles, some friends and more or less 10 to 11 nieces and nephews ^^; ).

Ok... That's all for now and again I wish all the Muslims....



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